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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Can We Escape Reality?

Thought for the day: Psalms 55:6
Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away and be at rest.
Why do you suppose the psalmist planned to fly away? What do you think happened to him? I have the feeling that some unusual testing experience had just happened. It almost defeated him. Perhaps a dove flew by and its peacefulness impressed him. Maybe he thought that if he could get away to some wilderness, away from the throng, away from the confusions and misunderstandings of people, he would be happy. A moment's reflection, however, revealed that his trouble was within and not without.
The person you have to live with is yourself. You will never be able to separate yourself from yourself.
I once tried to get away from my shadow. I schemed, dodged, and did everything I could think of but it always stayed with me.
One may say that is escape from life in death, but there is no escape from death. Do not try to escape but try to conquer the problems and burdens which threaten your own happiness and life.
The solution of the psalmist's situation was in his renewed trust in God. It is faith in God and the casting of ourselves upon him that enables us to become masters of our own lives. What seems to be the end may be a new beginning. We can be more than conquerors through Christ.
©Gerrishon Sirere & Sam.S.Hill
Georgetown, Kentucky

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